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General Catalogue

Titles sets on main areas of training

LGS/ Publishing Houses

Large Groups of Specialities (LGS) and Publishing Houses

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"Student's Consultant" ESL provides all conditions for inclusive education, including adaptive technologies for teaching disabled people, in particular blind and visually impaired.

Adaptive technologies of Student's Consult ESL include:

  • Website version for visually impaired (font enlargement service) meets the requirements of
    existing state standards
  • You can listen to all titles in your subscription using the speech synthesizer program.
  • Mobile version of the website and mobile apps duplicating the same services.
  • Access to separate set "Audiobooks" - titles on business, foreign languages, history, philosophy, phsycology and fiction.
  • When reading the title, you can use the full-screen mode for displaying the book. Viewing pdf allows you to copy text fragments to various voice-activated programs.

It allows educational institutions to apply ELS in educational process to ensure that all categories of students receive education.

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